Comfrey Salve #1 - Rosehips & Sweet Woodruff - Information Sheet

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale), is also known as “knitbone” because it has been traditionally used to encourage bone healing. It contains allantoin, a substance that can help new skin cells grow, reduce inflammation, and hasten wound healing.

Rosehips (from Rosa Canina) are loaded with vitamin C. Among their many uses is a traditional treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Studies attribute this to their high anti-inflammatory content and fatty acids that suppress COX expression.1 In the treatment of osteoarthritis rosehips facilitate bone remodeling and their high vitamin C content promotes the formation of procollagen that is necessary for growing connective and bone tissue.

Sweet Woodruff, (Galium odoratum) is wonderfully aromatic. It is used to heal burns and studies have shown that it is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. The coumarins present in sweet woodruff reduce tissue swelling. It can help increase vascularity and improve collagen viability.2

Frankincense (Boswellia), eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, and peppermint are all strongly anti-inflammatory. This salve can help sore joints, aching backs, burned and abraded skin, sprains, broken bones, pulled muscles, and arthritis. 

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose or treat any illness.

1 Mármol I, Sánchez-de-Diego C, Jiménez-Moreno N, Ancín-Azpilicueta C, Rodríguez-Yoldi MJ. Therapeutic Applications of Rose Hips from Different Rosa Species. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 May 25;18(6):1137. doi: 10.3390/ijms18061137. PMID: 28587101; PMCID: PMC5485961.
2 Kahkeshani N, Farahanikia B, Mahdaviani P, Abdolghaffari A, Hassanzadeh G, Abdollahi M, Khanavi M. Antioxidant and burn healing potential of Galium odoratum extracts. Res Pharm Sci. 2013 Jul;8(3):197-203. PMID: 24019829; PMCID: PMC3764671.